Posted by Paul on Monday, August 05, 2002 at 9:11 AM
Sunday: 31 miles with KL, DB. We went out Reliez/Alhambra, Castro Ranch, San Pablo Dam road, back on the Orinda trail and then over Pleasant Hill Road. I went pretty hard and steady up over the top of Pig Farm Hill (I was worried about meeting my 9 am deadline). Then we eased up some and did some good paceline riding. My knee felt great - no pain at all. I had a great sleep Sunday night (I was tired most of the day!).
Saturday: 57 miles with VVN, RR, KL. Met at Rudgear P/R and then rode over to Lafayette, up through Moraga, up Pinehurst, Skyline, down Wildcat, over to Orinda and then back on the trail. KL and I rode out with the HoP ride just to Danville and back. I had to get back to meet the family for breakfast.
I felt pretty good most of the way. The conditions sucked up at Pinehurst and Skyline. Visibility was less than 50 meters in some places. It was so slippery that someone, I won't name the rider directly (he rides a yellow bike and has a Canadian accent) actually fell going up Pinehurst on that wicked hairpin! Gnarly.
Saturday: 57 miles with VVN, RR, KL. Met at Rudgear P/R and then rode over to Lafayette, up through Moraga, up Pinehurst, Skyline, down Wildcat, over to Orinda and then back on the trail. KL and I rode out with the HoP ride just to Danville and back. I had to get back to meet the family for breakfast.
I felt pretty good most of the way. The conditions sucked up at Pinehurst and Skyline. Visibility was less than 50 meters in some places. It was so slippery that someone, I won't name the rider directly (he rides a yellow bike and has a Canadian accent) actually fell going up Pinehurst on that wicked hairpin! Gnarly.