
Posted by Paul on Monday, July 12, 2004 at 11:42 AM

Cascade Classic, Bend, Oregon - Stage 4: Old Mill District Criterium

A 1.2 K course in the Old Mill District of Bend. It's kind of like a industrial crit setting, but they're rebuilding in that area as well. It was a good course, with one little narrow cyclocross/goat path/driveway part that goes up a little hill from the parking lot (!) back to the road. The finish is downhill and fast. We were scheduled for 60 minutes of racing.

How It Went Down:
I was a little scared of this course and not motivated. With the downhill finish and the trip through the parking lot with haybales (which some idiot decided would be better with large pieces of steel protruding from each) and the goatpath, it just seemed like it would be a little sketchy.

I started at the back of the group, just hoping to maintain my position on GC. Those first few laps killed me. I looked down as we finished our 3rd lap and we were right around 5 minutes gone. Ouch! This could make for a long race.

This continued as I was going balls to the wall, tongue on the stem, heart in my throat for the first 20 minutes. I was having to close gaps all over the place and knew they were pulling riders even this early. But that's what I get for starting at the back I suppose.

The pace seemed more even at about the halfway point as things started to settle down. Then I started to realize the course was actually safe and fun. Everything was wide open, and as long as you set up a little to the outside for the goatpath, it would be fine. Plus, the pack was considerably thinner now.

A break got away that would probably stick. Guess who? That's right, two of the LaborPower guys!!! What a shocker. So I enjoyed it. I considered going for a prime, but decided a little too late.

The LaborPower guys won it by about 30 seconds and I finished easily with the group.

avg hr: 158
avg speed: 25.8
Result: I moved up again a few spots to finish 13th overall on GC (out of 70+ starters). Not bad considering I had one bad day that cost me the bulk of that time.


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