Posted by Paul on Monday, July 12, 2004 at 11:41 AM
Cascade Classic, Bend, Oregon - Stage 3: Awbrey Butte Circuit Race
It's a ~13 mile course and we were scheduled for 4 laps. It's got two roughly 1K climbs (the second of which is the feed zone) separated by 5-6 miles and then the finishing climb which is a short, steep two-parter. There are a few other rollers as well.
How It Went Down:
I was hoping to redeem myself after yesterday's disaster. But I didn't know the loop, so I stayed in the middle for the first lap. The Labor Power trio had the first 3 places on GC and got away with one other guy after the second climb. I don't know how that happens and I guess it's partly my fault for not putting myself in the right position to join them, but oh well. So by the end of the first lap I think they had 40 seconds.
Not much happened on the second lap although I reacquainted myself with the front of the group. I led the group over the S/F for the second lap and I think the gap was still steady at 40 seconds - but no one was really making a concerted effort to chase.
Then things started to heat up. There were a few attacks and I was at the front and just went with the flow, trying not to do too much work. Then I saw a good opportunity on the first climb - an Excel Sports guy (who was high on GC) accelerated at the base and I went with it. I took over halfway up the climb and noticed we had one other guy (Jet City?) and a good gap when we reached the top.
We quickly started working together although it wasn't the smoothest paceline I've ever done. I was feeling super. On the second climb I was worried they would leave me, but if anything it was the opposite - I ended up setting the tempo and one of the guys skipped a few pulls after we went through the feed zone.
The Moto gave us a gap of about 30 seconds as we were about 5K from the S/F. We drove it hard on the flats and had them in sight. As we got to the first steep pitch near the S/F line, I knew we could catch them. I could see the beads of sweat on their faces. They had maybe 15 seconds on us by my count.
I considered just burying myself to get up to them, but I knew what would happen. They would wait for me to catch on, and then accelerate away from me. They're all great, experienced riders (Chris Walker just won the Elite National Championships at age 42) and they're all on the same team.
After we came up the second steep pitch and through the S/F the announcer gave us a gap of 24 seconds. We were so close...
I tried to keep the pressure on and power up one of the rollers - but we ended up dropping the Jet City guy. I didn't think this would be too bad, but was now starting to worry more about the group behind catching us. At the base of the first 1K climb, the moto said we were 30 seconds down on the break and 30 seconds up on the field. Stuck in the middle!
The Excel guy and I kept up the pace. He could stand to move into 4th place depending on the final gap. Then, out of nowhere, a Soulcraft guy bridges back up to us with the Jet City guy in tow. It was kind of like Janet Jackson's jack-in-the-box-boob appearance at the Super Bowl: totally unexpected, but a welcome sight, nonetheless.
So we nailed the descent and began the second climb. The Soulcraft guy was big and I wasn't too worried about him on the second little climb. He opened up a little gap and I moved up to try to keep him close - although I still wasn't too worried. We still had probably 10K to go, and I didn't think he could do it on his own.
When we rolled through the feed zone he had probably 15 seconds and it looked like he was still pulling away. My remaining breakaway companions are tired and aren't into another little mini-chase. I'm driving as hard as I can, but they're slow to pull through and slowing the pace when they do. Damn!
After another mile or so, he was still riding away from us! Damn again! So now I'm just hoping that we can finish ahead of the group.
But more bad news, the field is closing in on us. I look back and see they're about 15 seconds behind now. So at 5K to go, I sit up and wait for the counter-attacks to start. I jump on the first one, but it doesn't stick. Then things settle down for the final climbs - looks like we're now racing for 5th place.
The first pitch comes and I hammer it - first one to the top. Then I start to get that special feeling, and as we climb the next one, I start going backwards. Too too tired from the chase. I hang for dear life and finish at the back of the group and don't lose any time on the day except to the break and the Soulcraft guy who finished 4th.
We were so close to catching the break. I was disappointed - I felt super in the chase and definitely gave it my all. Oh well . . .
avg hr: 160
avg speed: 24.5
Result: Moved up to 18th overall on GC