
Posted by Paul on Wednesday, April 21, 2004 at 12:17 AM

Sea Otter RR, April 15, 2004

I think Vaughn already covered it, so read his description. Basically, it's a tough course, with no flat. And the finale boasts a long steep climb before a rockstar finish on the Laguna Seca track.

How It Went Down:
When the 3 Spine guys lined up, I knew that meant trouble. Those guys are strong. Plus there were also 3 Labor Powers - another strong team, although I don't know much about them. Hopefully it would stay together with those guys marking one another.

The first 2 laps went by without much happening. At the end of the second lap before the descent to the Wall, Spine started animating things. I made one effort and brought it back together, but wasn't going to waste too much juice - we still had 4 more trips up the Wall plus the uphill finish. So with a Spine guy or two up the road, a LaborPower guy launched a vicious attack from the back. There was a collective groan in the group - there went the race. We kept them in sight on the descent and the 3rd trip up the Wall. At the top, there was a Spine guy sitting on, so I tried to set the tempo for awhile. I kept encouraging others to come through, but no one felt like it. I got a little help for a short time, but we were losing the race right then and there. Those guys were just too strong.

We got word from the moto that there were 7 guys up the road nearly 2 minutes. Ouch - so now we're racing for 8th place?!?!? At this point I decided to be watchful at the front, but not to do too much work. We probably weren't going to catch all of those guys but some would probably get spit out the back. So maybe it wouldn't be an 8th place after all.

We got more occasional updates from the moto - I think it had split into a lead group of 3, and trailing group of 4. The lead group of 3 had 4 minutes on us, the other group just over a minute. I didn't look back exactly, but we must have had around 20 in our group as we started the fourth lap. When we got to the top of the Wall, I looked back - 7 guys! It was like they all turned around and went home. Ugh. This is good and bad - good because now I had a better chance of cracking the top 5, but bad because it makes for a nervous group.

I think somewhere on the 5th lap we caught a few of the breakaways and were hearing that there was a lead group of 3 way up (4 minutes at least) and a group of 2 now. Cool! The guys we caught were clearly cooked and probably not up for 2 more hard laps. There was one big guy in our group (couldn't identify the team) that drove the tempo most of the way. He was willing so we let him. I thought that the chances were good that we would catch the break immediately in front of us on the climb, or not at all. So I was happy to save my legs let it get sorted out there.

We went hard up the Wall for the last time, but I still felt pretty good. At this point, it seemed we were happy to ride tempo until the climb. The same guy was driving the tempo - I would say he pulled for 2/3 of the last lap. Fine by me. I took a few token pulls, but we weren't really in a hurry at this point. This was just a war of attrition coming into the final battle - the long climb back to the racetrack. As we turned up the climb, we still had 1 lone breakaway a minute or two up and 3 way up (4 minutes +).

So now we were down to 6 guys in the break. I'm not sure where the other 2 or 3 fell off. There was a LaborPower, Spine, a small climber guy with a thick accent, a tall skinny guy, and the big guy that pulled a lot. The climb starts out flat and then gets steeper and steeper near the top. But, it's a long climb (remember this for later) relatively. The Labor Power guy wound it up once, but we were on that way too fast. A little later the small climber guy launched a good effort and the tall skinny guy went with him. I let them go and just rode tempo - it's a long climb. For awhile I was doing the pulling, but wasn't too worried - I think we had a slight tailwind so it's not like I was really doing any favors. Somewhere in here the LaborPower guy popped. Then the big guy that pulled alot attacked and Spiney went with him. I let them go - it's a long climb. I kept my tempo going and the three groups came together at the top. We went down the little descent together and onto the track.

At this point I was in perfect position - 3rd wheel behind the Spine guy, who clearly knew what he was doing. We came around the hairpin - 2 turns to go and then the 200meter mark. At 300 to go Spine attacked from the front, I licked my chops and went after him. I'm not sure what gear I was in, but it didn't feel right - I wasn't catching him. Even though I thought he went too early, he was going really strong. I was in second, but not on his wheel. I felt two others coming up beside me, but I dug it out and managed second behind the Spine guy for 6th (I think) overall.

Not too bad considered the field was pretty strong. Kind of a bummer to just have to sit and watch the Spine and Labor guys go to town on us. Not a lot I could have done - unless of course I was stronger.

Avg Speed: 20.9 mpg
Avg HR: 166 bpm


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