
Posted by Paul on Friday, April 11, 2003 at 10:06 PM

Sea Otter Classic Road Race

The Course
Distance: 50 miles
Category: Senior 3
Terrain: Rolling
Conditions: Nice mid 60's, mostly clear (shorts/short sleeves)
Field: ~100?

This course starts on Laguna Seca raceway, goes up the first hill (counter clockwise), down the corkscrew (YeeeHaawww), then leaves the raceway and descends down Barloy Canyon to a 12 mile loop. It took me a lap to figure it out - but it's the same loop they've been using recently for the NorCal District Road Race. Rolling hills, a climb up "The Wall", a climb through the feed zone, and then one other short, steep ball buster (Parker Flats? - gotta love the name). After 3 laps you climb back up Barloy Canyon to the finish - not on Laguna Seca raceway, but just out there on Barloy Canyon. So it ends up being a steep uphill finish.

How It Went Down

This race was exciting in a bad way for me. I had more stomach issues to start, but they seemed to get better as the race wore on. Hmmmmm. Anyway, the corkscrew was uneventful (only 49 mph coming down - I think I did close to 60mph a few years ago), the descent down Barloy was fine. So at some point we're cruising along, the pack starts churning some with people slowing in the middle and people passing on the outsides. I got tangled up with some dude and the nub of his skewer takes on 3 of my spokes and my spokes lose. My front wheel is now all woppy-jawed. I open up the brakes, and it looks like I'm probably not rubbing, but it's a little sketchy to ride, especially descending and braking. Luckily I was riding the super duper bullet-proof wheels or I probably would have been done for the day.

Then we're descending, almost finishing the first lap, we have full road closure, the left is wide open, so I decide to chill to the left behind this other guy. We're descending comfortably at probably 35+ mph when said other guy yelps something about a hole. Of course I'm right on top of it when I see it - I swear that sucker was manhole size. I felt like I was sitting 3 inches lower after I went over it. And, like last weekend, I lost another waterbottle. After gathering myself together, I checked and the front wheel was still rideable. The guy I was following was already signalling for a new wheel - so I guess I was lucky. But I would definitely be looking for a new wheel at the top of the feed zone where I noticed the Mavic dude hanging out before. I get up The Wall ok and get a new water bottle first as we head up the feed zone. Then, as we get towards the end of the feed zone I pull ahead a little and get the Mavic guy's attention. He did an amazing change and pushed me back on - I didn't have to chase at all. Now I'm riding on a bitchin' Ksyrium SSC/SL with pretty baby blue Michelin Pro Race rubber - nice!

So then it's mostly uneventful, although there were more crashes. Geez! There's one guy about 35 seconds off the front as we're finishing the last lap. I don't think we'll catch him. But I'm feeling good, I'm in the top 15 or so, getting ready for the climb up Barlow. Vaughn and I discussed a little strategy before the race and agreed that since the race was short, it would be good to be attentive up front. I was a little busy with my issues so I couldn't really do that, but we also agreed that if it stayed together until the last climb, it was basically a climber's race at that point. So I was hoping to do well.

We turned up Barlow, and I've got the perfect wheel to follow - I'm right with the 1st and 2nd place guys from last week at Ward's Ferry. I know they're going to be strong. We're about 15-20 positions back. The road gets steep, we move up a little, and then disaster strikes. My legs begin a fast curing process before turning to concrete. My heart rate is at a comfortable 160, my breathing is fine, but my legs are worthless. Bummer. I recover a little, but still, things are not as they should be. So the group rides away from me, or most of them anyway, and I hang on for 40th place (80+ finishers). Another bummer.

I also noticed after the ride, that I was actually riding a little lower. My handlebars were bent slightly downward from the impact of the pothole. Oh well, the bike store awaits . . .


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